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Fish feed machine advantage

Fish is one of the favorite foods for human beings. The nutrition of fish itself is easily absorbed by human body. It has delicate taste and is loved by many people. The fish feed produced by the fish feed machine has the following advantages:

  1. Easy to absorb, through the fish feed machine extrusion puffed fish feed, raw materials fully mature high temperature sterilization, more easy to absorb and not easy to get sick.

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2. Less waste, there is a fish feed machine extrusion cooked fish feed utility rate, floating fish feed can also be used to feed the remaining fish out of the next time.

3. Not Easy to pollute water quality, puffed fish feed is not easy to bubble loose, can reduce water pollution to a certain extent.

According to media reports, traditional fish feed is still dominant, but more and more breeders realize the difference between extruded fish feed and non-extruded fish feed, fish feed machines are increasingly being used to produce fish feed. However, there are few producers of extruded fish feed, and there is a huge gap of extruded fish feed every year.

 Therefore, the use of fish feed machine to produce fish feed is a very promising industry.

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